I'm taking time this holiday season to reflect upon my love of America.
We citizens of the United States made history in November by electing the first black President in our two hundred and thirty two years as a sovereign country. It is time that we as a nation look forward and put our fears and mistrust behind us and give a resounding shout of "Yes, we can". We can be far greater than we believe. It only takes you and me and a common goal to live a better life than our Fathers.
As a citizen who served twenty three years in the armed forces I stand absolutely firm in my belief of the American citizen and the freedoms we are blessed with. No other country in the world allows it's citizens the rights we in America are born with. There is still work to do in regards to equal rights for all people, homelessness, and education, but given time I believe a change is coming.
In reflection of religious zealots, I have this to say to you, "you will be defeated." The difference between you and us is that we are inclusive, and that makes us far greater than any threat you possess. You can see my sentiment in a picture that my son photographed at the twin towers site in New York City.
Before I go, let me extend my thanks to all those in the military past and present who gave us all the rights and privileges that come with being an American. My thoughts and prayers are with you all, those who have served, those who still fight, and those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice. No one wants peace more than someone who has seen war, and for you I wish peace and love, and for those who have yet to find peace, I bid you understanding and the courage to seek it.