I love my wife, my family, friends, babies, and photography. Kind words are lasting, as are harsh words. As I age, I like to remember kindness more than not. If listening to a grown man talk about flowers is perceived as weakness on his part, then you don't know me.
My second life began when I discovered Okinawa in 1990. I don't know why it took so long to find. I had spent 35 years of my life not knowing my true North. Life seems to have become simpler and easier since finding home.
My future is secure. My children and grandchildren are likely to inherit from me some of the qualities and pleasures of travel, flowers, speaking kind words, and love of family. I don't worry they will stray too far from this path. I have not walked this path by chance. I am certain the path was already laid by my Mother and Father. I found pleasure in the beauty of fresh cut flowers from the yard. My Mother always had an arrangement of seasonal flowers on the dining table. I still remember lying outside on the hood of our old Studebaker looking into the still, dark Mississippi night trying to find the Big Dipper and the North Star with a pair of binoculars while my Daddy would coach me along. I miss the hood of that old Studebaker, the silence of the night, and my Daddy's presence.
Wisdom often comes in whispers, so listen to your heart, speak to God, whomever that might be, and if your muse comes calling, answer without haste.
These are a few Sunday morning thoughts from the heart.