Friday, March 20, 2009

Thoughts of Home

I have started writing again following the publication of my last book 'Twelve Tall Tales'. Being away from writing for me is a difficult separation. There are always thoughts and stories in my mind that need to be told, but sometimes it's difficult finding the time to put them on paper. That has been the case for the past couple of months while getting my last book out in the market. I find the writing of a book is easier sometimes than the marketing. I can't complain. I hope writing will always come easier for me.
I have been away from home now for two weeks enjoying vacation. Still a while yet before I return to my Florida home. I enjoy my time away, but I miss home. As always home is where the heart is, and my heart is in Pensacola.
Here is the place beneath the larger of the twin oaks that I will rest. A favorable spot where I seldom see another soul and the day is mine to bid with. A sanctuary where I can sit and dream or work my hands into the soil until the sun sets and my weary body calls me inside. Beneath the twin oak of my life. My desire and choosing. My home.


  1. There's no place like home :) But then, enjoy your vacation.

  2. Beautiful and I can understand why you enjoy your don't be clicking your shoes Dorothy....stay put!!!
    I miss the "green" of the Gulf Coast....VA appears dead in the winter with all the leaves off the trees.
    A L'dale follower!M

  3. I know what you mean by its difficult to put things on paper. Pretty soon I'm going to have my dad tape record all the things my family does because it's becoming difficult to remember who does what and why!

  4. One travels the world for what he seeks & comes home to find it.
