Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Deconstruction of 'W'.

Their final meeting would take place in the White House oval office. President George W. Bush summoned Dick Cheney for a meeting to discuss their exit strategy. As Vice President Cheney entered the office he was greeted in an uncharacteristic solemn manner. “Hi Dick, have a seat. I don’t know where it all went wrong. I mean Jesus H. Christ who would have thought our party would be making such a mass exodus out of DC? Especially since it was all caused by a man named Barack Hussein Obama? I did pronounce that right didn’t I Dick?” “Close enough Mr. President. Just a bit more emphasis on the second syllable of Barack, but you did fine.” “Thanks Dick, but it really doesn’t matter. Laura and I aren’t going to be in the loop anymore. She’s having a hissy fit to get back to a normal life. I don’t think I’ll have much chance to use his name at the ranch, if you catch my drift. I will say one thing about Barack taking over the White House, he’s about as welcomed as a skunk at a lawn party. Dog gone it Dick, when did it all go South? Was it my position on stem cell research? Was it my position on the war in Iraq? Was it the economy?” “Well, Sir…it might have been the time you said ‘There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.’, but then again, it could be just kismet.”
“Dick, I want you to call an emergency meeting of the inner circle. Make sure Condi is notified. Oh, and invite Colin, I have a few questions of him.” “Mr. President, it’s over. Condi and Colin have joined Barack’s camp. It’s over Sir, there is no inner circle, it’s just us, and we’re on our way out. Mr. President…Mr. President, it’s time we leave. Your staff is waiting for you to say goodbye.”
As they both exited the White House to the smart salutes of rigid marines standing at attention, they knew it would be the last time they would be seen together. A brief thank you and farewell to the White House staff was given. A few tears were shed by the faithful that attended. With all the formalities completed except the liftoff of the Presidential helicopter, Marine One, W turned to Cheney with outstretched hand and said, “Why don’t you come down to the ranch and we’ll do a little quail hunting Dick?” “W, you’re an asshole and have always been one, I just didn’t have the opportunity to tell you until now.” As they both smiled and parted ways you could almost hear the ex president repeatedly attempting to pronounce “nuclear” as if it were a test of his success as our commander in chief. As he climbed up the stairs of the ever waiting Marine One, he whispered something to the Marine pilot and then took a seat beside Laura. “What did you say to the pilot George?” “I told him before we landed at the ranch to make a little stop over right outside of Crawford at Richey’s liquors. I’m going to pick up a bottle of Absolut, I need a drink real bad. Hey babe, I wonder if I should give one of those parting salutes like Nixon did as we lift off the lawn? “Give it a rest George. It’s time to go home cowboy.”


I’m thinking of retiring,
of turning in my gear.
A man my age can turn a page,
and retirement time is here.

I have no plans before me,
no blueprints in my mind.
I’ll live each day in my own way
and dream of days behind.

I discussed it with my old lady.
I said, “Now here’s the place.
I’ll quit my job and you get one.”
She laughed right in my face.

“Well, let’s retire together
and start our life anew,
rekindle that old ardor
that early marriage knew.”

She looked at me with sadness,
and said both kind and low,
“George, about your love life,
that retired some time ago.”

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