Monday, December 26, 2011

Flip Flop Christmas

It's raining, and has been all day.  That's OK...we need it here in Pensacola.  There is plenty of good food to keep us warm and in the house today.  Lots of left over Christmas turkey.  Precisely why turkey and dumplings was planned and prepared for dinner tonight.
I started putting the meal together this morning by stripping the turkey meat from the bones, then cooking the carcass sans meat, slowly to arrive at a condensed dark brown consomme.  By 3 p.m. it was perfect.  Next a mirapois of carrots, onion and celery were added, and finally, carefully rolled home made dumplings were dropped into the bubbling pot of goodness.  Now the turkey meat was introduced into the broth.  By 6 p.m. it was done.
That's when it happened.  My wife who has been 'under the weather' and napping most of the day said, "I feel like pizza."
You think a protest from me would be in order, but oh no.  I've been married too long for that.  'That dog don't hunt' is how it would be said where I come from.  "I'll go to Pizza Hut honey!"  There, I said it.  Simple, quick, albeit somewhat painful.  I mean the meal I prepared...the rain!  Hey, wait a minute.  If I go out to Pizza Hut I can wear my new Christmas flip flops!  There are flip flops, and then there are cool flip flops.
So out in the rain and the chill and the dark to Pizza Hut I go.  I started singing this to the tune of 'Over the River and Through the Woods to Grandmother's house we go.  There we go, I'm in the Christmas spirit once again.  When I arrived at Pizza Hut I ordered her favorite, 'Super Supreme pan pizza.'  That's when it happened for the second time in less than an hour.  "I'm sorry Sir, we are all out of pan pizza."
I didn't let 5 seconds pass, and then asked, "You do serve beer here don't you?"  After an affirmative nod from the pimple faced boy behind the counter I asked him to bring me 2 drafts and set them down next to me at the PacMan machine situated by the door.
Forty minutes and several quarters later I remembered  why I took up this holy mission to Pizza Hut in the first place.  I drained the last few swallows from my pilsner glass and immediately began formulating an excuse for coming home late without that pizza pie.
Luckily for me a McDonalds was en-route on my way back home, and surprisingly it still has McRib on the menu.  My wife and McRib go way back.  Picking up that pork patty would be my ticket to freedom!
I arrived home an hour later with no pizza.  The inquisition began.
"Where have you been?"  "You smell like pizza."  "Do I smell beer?"  It's funny how these statements always seem to run together without giving you time to even explain things.  After a few more direct all knowing indictments I took a deep breath and said, "Well you see...I know how much you love the McRib.  Unfortunately, McDonalds has a new pizza burger that just came out.  It's making it's debut tonight.  Such a line of people to buy one too.  It's crazy baby!  The whole place smells of pizza."
I'll be eating SPAM for the next few days.  Oh...I did tell you I got a new pair of flip flops for Christmas didn't I?

Friday, December 23, 2011

My Choosing

I’m flying my flag on Christmas day,
and let me tell you why.
The reason is because I can…
So let Old Glory fly!

It’s a gift to me from those who served…
for those who stood the line.
A gift I proudly fly with pride,
for those who fought and died.

The stars and stripes on Christmas day
will fly so high and proud.
So when you pass on Twin Lakes Lane
shout “Freedom” strong and loud!

So Santa, if you lose your way
as Pensacola passes south,
just look out for Old Glory
to guide you to my house.

Thankful I can celebrate the birth of Christ which is my choosing.  God Bless us all.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Twelve Things I Learned in 2011

Dont' tell me about your 'Prostrate', until you learn to spell it correctly.  And then don't tell me about it until you are at least fifty years old.  I don't want to know.

You can't drink three beers without excusing yourself to the bathroom.  

Don't hold grudges.  Please don't.  People get older, some get sick, some die.  If you are mad, just let it go.  You'll be a better person for it.

Karma lives and is at your door.  If it's good let it in.  If it's not, it will bite you in the ass.

Be a child with a child.  You know you want to.

Suck your stomach in when you go to Walmart.  There are too many people who don't.  Someone will thank you for it.

A good morning kiss will set the pace for the rest of the day.  If your significant other isn't going to initiate it, then it's up to you.

Begin the day with a prayer to God.

Give to those less fortunate even if it's only a smile.

Be true to yourself first.

Do not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.

Yes, Virginia...there is...keep it going.